Sunday School


As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.

Proverbs 27:17

God’s Word is the cornerstone of the Christian life, and we seek to make it the foundation of everything we do at Heritage. Each Sunday morning at 9:45AM, we offer many Bible study options. These classes provide an environment to engage God’s Word along with fellow believers and to apply biblical principles to our lives.

Adult Sunday School Classes

Bible Study // Connection // Community // Prayer

First Impressions

Pastor Tim // Room 104
First Impressions is a simple class designed to share more about who we are as Heritage Baptist Church. This class would be a great next step for those who might be wondering if the Lord is calling them to make Heritage their church home.

Heritage Ladies

Valissa Howe // Room 109
Every day we are bombarded with expectation of what it looks like to be a woman. The bar is set high and many of us feel like we don't meet the unspoken standards. Join us as we dive into the Scriptures to find out what God says about the women He created in His own image.

Full House

Randy & Trish Sproat
Chris & Melody Allen
Room 101
Christian parents face a relentless wave of challenges, and this class will help equip you face those challenges through Biblical wisdom and a supportive environment.

Heritage Adults

Scott & Syndee Chase // Room 108
Adults at any stage will feel right at home in this class. The class features Bible-based studies that include discussion and life application. 

Heritage Men

Taylor Howe // Room 106
This is an engaging group that will equip men with Biblical wisdom to be faithful men of God in today's world. This class previously studied the book of Jeremiah and will be starting a book study on "The Mortification of Sin."

Heritage Senior Adults

Don Brenton // Youth Room
This class is open to any age but is currently composed of adults middle age and up. Our class is currently studying the book of Daniel.

Heritage Young Adults

Andy & Lynda Offutt // Room 105
If you are a young adult who wants to be in a Christ-centered environment and study God's Word, this is the class for you! We are currently going through the book of Hosea.


We will be starting a Financial Peace class on Sunday, February 23rd at 9:45am in Room 110. If you plan on attending, please register below so that we can ensure that we order enough materials. 

Sunday School for Students & Kids

7th-12th grade students -- upstairs in the loft
4th-6th grade students -- upstairs in the Flight 456 room
Kindergarten-3rd grade students --main children's ministry room
Babies-5 year olds -- nursery/pre-k hallway

Questions? We can help!

Fill out the form to let us know how we can help you get connected with Sunday School.