Refuge offers Gospel-Centered Support and Recovery through small group accountability, worship, and a message.

Refuge: shelter or protection from danger or distress.

What does the word refuge make you think of? Maybe a thick-walled fortress, or perhaps something as simple as a canopy to keep you dry in a rainstorm?  Whatever picture comes to mind, it can be agreed that a refuge is a safe place. When the Bible describes God as our refuge, it is saying that God is our safe place when we need protection from something.
The word refuge is found in the scriptures nearly 90 times. One of the most famous passages is found in Psalm 46. 

"God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble."
Psalm 46:1

Knowing God as our refuge enables us to trust Him. Seeking Him as our refuge gives us the strength needed to endure hard things.
Our primary goal is to point people to the true refuge that is found only in Jesus Christ.

We also realize that we all need community. Godly relationships and a safe place to be honest about our struggles is vitally important for all of us.

"A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a
triple-braided cord is not easily broken."

Ecclesiastes 4:12

Our prayer is that those attending Refuge will find their people. Relationships that they can lean on for support, guidance, and encouragement. 

What to Expect:

This is a "come as you are" ministry that is designed for anyone and everyone. You are welcome here! 

Weekly Meal


Each Sunday night, at 5:30pm, we have prepared a meal for you. This is at no cost and is a practical way to say that we care about you. 
We love Refuge worship! This is an incredible time to encounter the Lord through praise. 

Large Group Teaching

Support and Recovery Groups

We are not a curriculum structured ministry. We believe that our hope is found in God's Word. Each week, during large group, you will hear from the Word of God. This is where we find what we truly need!

Childcare Provided 

We want to minister to your entire family. We have volunteers that create a fun and safe environment for your children.
Following large group, we will split into gender and issue specific small groups. These groups are an opportunity to open share. We believe that it is in these groups that true change happens. It's a time to process the large group teaching, to talk about struggles and victories, and to encourage and pray for one another. This is an important part of what we do each week. 

In-Town Transportation if Needed

If you need a ride to Refuge, you can call the church office
(417-532-7518) no later than 3:30pm on Sundays and we'll come and pick you up. 

Want More Information?

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